This Week in Teams #OTSTWIT E14 – August 3, 2020

This week, Craig and Jay invite Bobby Chang, a Microsoft Business Apps Technical Specialist for the US Federal/Civilian market, to talk about DataFlex. DataFlex Pro and DataFlex for Teams were recently announced at Microsoft Inspire and in this conversation Bobby tells us why this is important, not just to technologists, but to end users and the business side of your enterprise.

This Week in Teams #OTSTWIT E12 – July 17, 2020

Who are these people, and what happened to Craig? This week we invited Sven and Matt to talk about their newly released eBook, Rockstar Meetings with Microsoft Teams. Unfortunately, Craig’s internet service provider decided it was a good time for an outage, so he couldn’t join us. Hopefully, Jay sufficiently kept the conversation going without… Continue Reading →

Buzzkill E5 – Governance with Amanda Musselwhite

This week we invite Federal consultant Amanda Musselwhite. of Booz Allen Hamilton, to talk Governance. Last Week, Hunter and Jay introduced a number of key Governance theories and suggestions on how to get started with your governance plan, but sometimes it helps to hear it from someone else. Amanda, a Governance consultant for over 15… Continue Reading →

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