Microsoft Teams and Information Management: What you need to know!

As the fastest growing business application in Microsoft’s history, more and more data is being generated in and through use of Microsoft Teams. As a result of its extensibility, there are a lot of places this data can be created and stored, from chats and posts to files saved in a Teams channel.

Without governance in place Teams sprawl can negatively impact the business’ experience with Teams.

Join us in this session to discuss its importance and how to approach it.

The Architecture is Flat #M365California

During this presentation, Joy Apple and Jay Leask discussed the value of a flat information architecture for collaboration in the Microsoft platform, especially in SharePoint 2013 and newer. The presentation attached contains notes and links discussed during our session and can be downloaded for use. This presentation was presented by Joy Apple and Jay Leask… Continue Reading →

Ensuring Hybrid SharePoint #M365California

During this presentation, Craig Jahnke and Jay Leask discussed Hybrid SharePoint with SharePoint Online, 2013, 2016, and 2019. The presentation attached contains notes and links discussed during our session and can be downloaded for use. This presentation was presented by Craig Jahnke and Jay Leask at M365 Friday California, January 22, 2021

This Week in Teams – April 10, 2020

This week, we discuss Zoom’s privacy and security issues, Microsoft’s recently announced security posture, Microsoft Teams’s extreme growth, and the importance of understand how various O365 tools affect Teams (Exchange and calendars, SharePoint and Onedrive with files, etc). A couple customer stories about Exchange on premises and Teams chat data retention round out our inaugural episode.

Should I put my files in SharePoint or OneDrive?

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke talk Microsoft collaboration systems, specifically: SharePoint and OneDrive. To oversimplify their thoughts, inspired by the recently released Document Circle of Life in Office 365, the two ultimately agree that SharePoint is for co-authoring and publishing, while OneDrive is for individuals working on individual content — but there’s always more to it than any simplification can properly document.

Data Discovery and Assessment, Pilot and Execution, Your Path to a Successful Cloud Migration

today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke continue the Cloud Series with a focus on a four phase migration process: Discovery, Assessment, Pilot, and Execution. They even touch on the importance of user acceptance testing and automated governance to support end-user buy-in. Throughout each of these phases, Jay and Craig provide real-world customer examples which showcase the importance for each phase.

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