#OTSTWIT Live Events with #MicrosoftTeams – Episode 43

This Week in Teams Jay and Craig step back to our roots – just two dudes talking about Microsoft Teams. Last week Craig was asked by another regional community organizer about how we used #MicrosoftTeams for running the #M365Chicago event this past January. Similarly, Craig came across an article on best practices for using Teams for running live events / conferences.

So – here we are – a discussion based on our experiences running conferences on #MicrosoftTeams

#OTSTWIT What’s New in Teams? October 2021 Edition – Episode 37

This Week in Teams, Craig and Jay jump into the October 2021 Microsoft Teams Team product blog where ALL the goodies that were announced for commercial and US Government tenants. We jumped into the Government announcements first, because Jay wanted to and because for the first time in forever, there seem to be a lot of them. We discussed how often times the Government tenants feel left behind in all the great teams news, but now it seems Microsoft is trying hard for speedier delivery times. Then we jumped through all of the end-user focused features, and a few management features, throughout the commercial tenants.

#OTSTWIT Viva Intro with Eddie Lee – Episode 36

This episode is the first in a 6-part series where Craig and Jay look into Microsoft Viva, the new Employee Experience platform that brings together communications, knowledge, learning, resources, and insights in the flow of work.

They are joined by Eddie Lee, the EduTech North America lead for AvePoint, in discussing Connections, Topics, Insights, Learning, and Ally.io, Viva’s four core modules and its soon-to-be fifth, announced as a recent acquisition by Microsoft.

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