SP Fest Chicago July 2021 – Slides

OTSN podcast hosts Jay Leask (Buzzkill & This Week in Teams) and Craig Jahnke (This Week in Teams) were live and in person late July for SharePoint Fest Chicago, the first in-person conference in what feels like years (but … not quite). This is a list of their presentations, with slides, where available.

Data Discovery and Assessment, Pilot and Execution, Your Path to a Successful Cloud Migration

today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke continue the Cloud Series with a focus on a four phase migration process: Discovery, Assessment, Pilot, and Execution. They even touch on the importance of user acceptance testing and automated governance to support end-user buy-in. Throughout each of these phases, Jay and Craig provide real-world customer examples which showcase the importance for each phase.

The importance of a Cloud Readiness Assessment

Recorded March 3, 2018, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke continue the Cloud Series by diving into the importance of a proper readiness assessment when considering a move to the cloud. Primary categories of discussion included cloud viability for business and legacy applications, up-front and hidden costs, brand and type of cloud (such as brands, private vs multi-tenant, and data segregation options), governance, and migration preparedness.

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