Buzzkill E9 – Communications Pitfalls and Information Technology

This episode explores important aspects of communication, including how communication between IT and the organization is vital both to implementations and ongoing operations.

Though the stereotype of the cynical, introverted and sheltered IT admin may have some legitimacy, there are increasingly many kinds of people IT. Though this means there may be more sociality and better communication skills among IT members than in years past, it’s still very important to hone in on and improve IT communication skills on a regular basis.

Buzzkill E8 – The Customer Feedback Loop

Over the last two weeks Hunter and I had conversations with two people from very different backgrounds to help showcase the need for, but also the value of developing customer feedback loops in your engagements. Maxine Teller of Maximize Strategies shared her experiences supporting customer journeys with change. Samit Saini shared his own journey from the end user to the service adoption specialist.

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