SharePoint Conference, WWDC, Underwater Data Centers, Project Maven, and GDPR

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke  catch up after a multi-month hiatus with Jay’s move, and newborn son, and Craig’s new job and summer plans. And they discuss their goals for the podcast and how hard it can be to find the motivation to record, edit, and release this. So thank you for putting up with us as we try to rebuild our cadence!

In technology they discuss news out of the SharePoint conference, GitHub, a sunken data center, Project Maven, WWDC, GDPR and those pesky privacy policies. They also put out a call for someone to help them understand what Apple has been doing for the past 5+ years – I mean, really, what’s iNew?

The importance of a Cloud Readiness Assessment

Recorded March 3, 2018, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke continue the Cloud Series by diving into the importance of a proper readiness assessment when considering a move to the cloud. Primary categories of discussion included cloud viability for business and legacy applications, up-front and hidden costs, brand and type of cloud (such as brands, private vs multi-tenant, and data segregation options), governance, and migration preparedness.

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