During this presentation, Joy Apple and Jay Leask discussed the value of a flat information architecture for collaboration in the Microsoft platform, especially in SharePoint 2013 and newer. The presentation attached contains notes and links discussed during our session and can be downloaded for use. This presentation was presented by Joy Apple and Jay Leask… Continue Reading →
Buzzkill E6 – Information Management & Architecture with Erin Glenn and Matt Barns
This week Hunter and Jay enter the world of Information Management and Information Architecture. Information Management and Information Architecture are key components to the usability of an information system – IM helps you know the processes for managing tacit knowledge, documenting it as elicit knowledge, and finally recording it as authoritative, or records. IA is all about how your people FIND that information, how it’s organized. To aid in the conversation, Jay and Hunter are very thankful to have solution architects Erin Glenn and Matt Barns to join us and tell their stories.
Announcing: Buzzkill!
On the Spot is proud to announce our new podcast: Buzzkill! Buzzkill is all about the things nobody has time to talk about and the importance of them: Change Management, Governance, Information Architecture, Sustainable Adoption. There are TONS of things that IT organizations need to consider, but due to resource constraints, they rarely have the… Continue Reading →